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Recent Videos from Sam Zeloof
"Z2" - Upgraded Homemade Silicon Chips
Check our Jeri Ellsworth's amazing work making the first transistors and logic gates at home
Dipping a rock into chemicals until it becomes a computer chip
Upgraded Homemade Silicon … Generate electricity by punching wood #VeritasiumContest
80mV directly from hitting wood with a screwdriver #VeritasiumContest
Paper on piezo effect in wood:
To recreate this, cut your wood piece with the grain direction aligned with the z axis in figure 1 of the paper. then use copper tape that's conductive on both sides to attach wires as shown in vi… Etching Silicon with Plasma - Reactive Ion Etching (RIE)
0:00 - intro
1:10 - chamber overview
2:26 - etch demo
3:58 - demo results
5:40 - endpoint detection
7:37 - quirks, subtleties, safety
10:39 - construction
Music is shanghai by king gizzard and the lizard wizard