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About Martin Donald
Technical Artist and Game Developer. I like to make games, tech demos and fun tutorials.
Recent Videos from Martin Donald
Christmas special, making it snow.
For this (belated) Christmas special I take a look at a few different ways we can add snow to a scene and make it interactive.
Using viewports for dynamic snow:
Sobel filter for normals:… Glyphs, shapes, fonts, signed distance fields.
Old but gold, in this video I explain how to generate and use signed distance field textures for rendering sharp vector-like shapes such as text and graphics.
References:… Vertex animation textures, beanbags and boneless animations.
The skeletal animation workflow is very common in realtime applications due to its flexibility and performance, but it can make certain types of animations tricky to pull off. In this video I explore using vertex animation textures to get realtime-friendly per-vertex animations from Blender into Go…