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About Edan Meyer
I like to talk about AI, Machine Learning, and especially a lot of Reinforcement Learning! Most of my content is educational and focused on research that I find interesting.
Recent Videos from Edan Meyer
This AI Learns from YouTube!
OpenAI's new paper, "Video PreTraining(VPT): Learning to Act by Watching Unlabeled Online Videos" trains an agent to play Minecraft using a mixture of imitation learning (in the form of behavior cloning) and reinforcement learning (RL). The results are very impressive, training a 500 million parame… AGI is NOT coming soon
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is popularly defined as AI that can do anything a human can do. More specifically in this video I talk about my thoughts on when we will reach human level AI. Given recent successes in Machine Learning, and especially with scaling Deep Learning, there has been … Is Gato Really the Future of AI?
DeepMind has released "A Generalist Agent", a paper that introduces their new multi-modal model Gato. But is Gato truly a generalist agent? It is a transformer based model with the goal of generalizing over new tasks. It is trained fully autoregressively with supervised learning (no reinforcement l…