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Welcome to Low Level Learning! Here, I put out video about embedded systems topics, such as assembly programming, microcontrollers, memory management, computer architecture, and much more! Subscribe to be alerted when new videos come out!
Recent Videos from Low Level Learning
Something Is Weird About Rust's Threading and Concurrency | Rust Multi-Threading Tutorial
Concurrency and synchronization is an extremely important topic in computer programming. How can I use multi threaded code to execute computationally intensive algorithms? While it's easy to do in most languages, designing a system that allows systems to access the same data at the same time is dan… What is WebAssembly and Is It Better Than JavaScript? | WASM Breakdown for Beginners and Web Devs
Assuming that you haven't been living under a rock for the last 3 years, then you've likely heard of Web Assembly. What is Web Assembly? What does it do? Is it better than Javascript? These are questions that I wanted the answer to myself.
Web Assembly, or WASM is a binary instruction target that … This Is How Rust Stops Memory Leaks | How Rust Uses Ownership To Save Your Programs | Rust Tutorial
LOW LEVEL RUSTACEANS! Welcome back! In today's video we discuss Rust Ownership. Rust Ownership is a concept that prevents variables from being lost in runtime, ultimately preventing memory leaks. By assigning ownership and allowing for the borrowing of variable access, Rust allows for consistent al…