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About YaleCourses
Yale's philosophy of teaching and learning begins with the aim of training a broadly based, highly disciplined intellect without specifying in advance how that intellect will be used. The Yale Courses channel provides entry into the core of the University--its classrooms and academic programs--including complete sets of lectures from the Open Yale Courses initiative. Complementary syllabi, transcripts, and other resources may also be accessed from the Open Yale Courses website listed below.
Recent Videos from YaleCourses
The EMPH Student Experience
None How does systemic racism impact addiction treatment? Anti-Racism & Structural Determinants of Health
This video is from a free online course that aims to improve the care provided to patients that either have or will likely develop substance use disorders. Enroll today;
Speak… How does implicit bias impact addiction treatment? Bias & Discrimination
This video is from a free online course that aims to improve the care provided to patients that either have or will likely develop substance use disorders. Enroll today;