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About Faraday Speaks
Hey guys Faraday here. I run a channel where I talk about my experience with the Alt-Right and explore the pathways to radicalization online. I also conduct interviews with people I find interesting and host debates on topics I find important. Please join me on this journey!
Recent Videos from Faraday Speaks
Joshua Citarella Interviews Faradayspeaks on Radicalization
Today I appeared on a podcast and was interviewed by Joshua Citarella about my political journey on Youtube and my thoughts on radicalization generally. Dislimited is being worked on and the rest of the "Retvrn" series as well.
Talk … On the Facebook Metaverse
Short Video while I work on the Faraday Retvrns Series.
Your support is what makes this channel and journey possible.
Thank you.
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Really excited to be bringing this show to you guys and hope to improve them as time goes on.
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