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About Sangam Talks
Sangam Talks is an earnest effort to reclaim the Indian civilizational narrative from the clutches of colonial discourse and to revive the intellectual tradition of yore and rejuvenate Indian civilization so that Indians can connect to their past positively. Sangam Talks runs on a non-profit basis, there is no commercial interest attached to the videos. Our channel’s content is strictly meant for educational purposes. We value free speech and abide by the Indian laws on this subject. The views expressed in the videos reflect only the speaker’s views and may not necessarily represent the official position of Sangam Talks. Sangam Talks also respects copyright laws, being an educational non-profitable channel our work falls under the domain of ‘fair use’ policy. Any accidental use of copyright content on our channel will be read and understood under this context. We also appreciate taking down any copyright content from our videos, once duly notified by the owner.
Recent Videos from Sangam Talks
आततायियों को समर्पित सड़कें (Roads dedicated to tyrants) | Neeraj Atri | #SangamTalks
परतंत्रता सबसे बड़ा रोग है क्योंकि, कोई जीव हो या राष्ट्र, स्वतंत्रता चाहता है। हमारे पूर्वजों पर क्रूरता और अत्याचार करनेवालों के नाम पर बनी सड़कें और संस्थान इस गहरे रोग के लक्षण मात्र हैं। क्या इसका निदान करने की आवश्यकता है?
Subservience is the biggest disease because, be it an organism or a nat… Surapala's Vrikshayurveda: Ancient Science of Plant life | Ravi Singh Choudhary | #SangamTalks
This talk discusses:
•Tridosh(Vatta-Pitta-Kapha) in Plants.
• Kunapajala
•Plant wonders (Drum Vichitra Karanam)
About the Speaker:
Ravi Singh Choudhary is a Vrikshayurveda based agripreneur in Jharkhand, Bihar. Author of the book 'Krishi Sanhita' ad has published a paper on 'Decolonisation o… Understanding Hinduism: A vision of Truth | Swami Parmatmananda Saraswati | #SangamTalks
Swami Parmatmananda ji contradicts the version of Supreme court that says Hindu Dharma is 'Way of Life', he says that Hindu Dharma is 'Vision of Truth' that prescribes a way to lead a Dharmic life. The entire creation is a manifestation of the divine. Explaining the essence of Hindu Sanatan Dharma…