About MoFreedomFoundation
Bias: Globalist mostly. With Conservative, Neoliberal, and Social Justice Warrior tendencies.
Pro-Sanity Propaganda. The More Freedom Foundation channel covers current affairs and international politics. Most mainstream news is presented in a fear-based framework. We step outside of that framework with a resolute focus on the story behind the story. We aim to improve things one thought provoking chunk of video at a time. We are about as independent as it is possible to be, solely supported by Patreon crowd-funding, Youtube advertising, Amazon Kindle essay sales, and (diminishing) savings. (Please donate!)
The MFF doesn't claim to be an expert in any of these issues, we only promise to do a better job covering them them than any Cable News Channel...
We upload every Tuesday without fail (since March 2014). Sometimes more often. If you want to keep us going, please click the "Support Us On Patreon!" or "Support Through PayPal!" links below...