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About Renegade Cut
Renegade Cut is a video essay series about news, politics and popular culture.
Recent Videos from Renegade Cut
Post-Satire Capitalism | Renegade Cut
Why do our lives feel inauthentic? What is the modern form of alienation under capitalism? Support Renegade Cut through Patreon:
#capitalism #quibi #truth
BIBLIOGRAPHY AND FURTHER READING:… God's Not Dead 4 - Christian Nationalism | Renegade Cut
God's Not Dead: We the People and the previous films in the series are propaganda for Christian nationalism. Support Renegade Cut through Patreon:
#godsnotdead #godsnotdeadwethepeople
Bibliography and further reading:
"American Fascists" by Chris Hedges https://… The Matrix Resurrections Is Absolutely Beautiful | Renegade Cut
The Matrix Resurrections is one of the most autobiographical big-budget films in recent years, and its sincerity makes it so beautiful. Support Renegade Cut through Patreon:
#thematrixresurrections #thematrix…