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About Tobiah
A mildly pretentious Christian Leftist producing video essays to counter anti-Biblical positions (and occasionally just to have fun). He/they/any/all pronouns.
Recent Videos from Tobiah
1k Subscriber Q&A and Channel Updates
Chill video discussing some channel updates and answering some of your questions.
With special thanks to my loving girlfriend, who's supported this crazy endeavour from the start, and to Raquel Gesé Ponce, who has graciously offered to begin work on Spanish subtitles for videos for this channel.
… A (very brief) History of Land Ownership (The Theological Case for #LandBack, Footnote 1)
DISCLAIMER: I am not a historian by training. I have done my best to check the facts of this video with various sources, but I cannot guarantee the accuracy of every statement. Please double-check your history with reliable sources, beyond the ramblings of one guy on YouTube!
This video is a footn… The Theological Case for #LANDBACK
The socialist arguments for supporting the indigenous liberation movements under the banner of #LANDBACK are irrefutable. However, there is a special burden for Christian leftists to support LANDBACK, for whom this represents not only a political and moral imperative, but a spiritual one as well.