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About Qualia Redux
An irreducible sensory phenomenon. Writer makes videos about her niche interests.
Recent Videos from Qualia Redux
The REAL reason gas prices are so high
Why the heck are gas prices so high? I use my background regulating the petroleum industry to explain how the Russian invasion of Ukraine has taxed an already fragile system.
More reading, if you want to hear about it from another source:… One book explains Blade Runner 2049
Long time coming on this one, folks! Blade Runner 2049 is Dennis Villeneuve's sequel to the 1982 Ridley Scott movie Blade Runner. There are several references to Vladimir Nabokov's masterpiece Pale Fire. So, I unpack how both Pale Fire and Blade Runner 2049 (and film noir as a genre) deal with them… Amazon's deadly worker safety record || Evil Inc.
This episode of Evil Inc. is about Amazon's dangerous working conditions. I compare the Edwardsville, Illinois Amazon fulfillment center tragedy to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. I also give a rundown of how Amazon's brutal disregard for its employees' safety may have contributed to several …