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About Infranaut
You are going to die and only media can distract you from that fact.
Join me in pedantic and flowery waffling about said media.
Recent Videos from Infranaut
Martingale Episode 1: Cold Open | RPG Roulette
The year is 1886, and the place is Montana. The Great, Mythic Frontier lets out one last stifled gasp before the cold sets in, and the final nail is hammered down into the Old West's coffin. Join RPG Roulette and me for an acyual-play miniseries where Our intrepid players set out into a world of de… Channel UNdate!
Hello everyone! Despite Youtunes best efforts I am NOT dead!
Mentioned in this video:
My game, DEAD IN THE WEST, availale here:
Listen (and plz rate and review) RPG Roulette here:
Or here:
https://r… Q's Going Nowhere: Cults and Conspiracies in the Online Era
In this documentary I talk to professional cult deprogrammer Rick A Ross about the online conspiracy theory of Q: how it spreads, the psychology behind it, how people stay hooked, where it might go after the 2021 attack on the Capitol and how to get out.