Channel Galaxy
William Candillon
82.9k subscribers
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William Candillon
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William Candillon
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Coding With Chaim
12.2k subscribers
What's up everybody? Welcome to Coding With Chaim! My name is Chaim (Hebrew for Life) and I am a fullstack JavaScript developer. My daily…
Colby Fayock
14.4k subscribers
I help others learn by doing through articles, videos, and courses about Javascript, React, and the static web.
29.0k subscribers
We are enthusiastic programmers from Malaysia and we will be sharing programming-related video(s) every week.
Maksim Ivanov
23.5k subscribers
On my channel you can find programming tutorials on Javascript, React and HTML/CSS. Subscribe to not miss any new tutorials or courses I …
104k subscribers
Since 2016, I have been living and breathing design. As of now, out here coding modern user interfaces and helping to make this world a lit…
Coding with Basir
39.5k subscribers
Learn web development by building an eCommerce website. Hello, I am Basir Jafarzadeh, an experienced programming teacher with more than 30…
70.8k subscribers
Videos about Web Development! ReactJS, NodeJS, MySQL, Express, MongoDB, GraphQL and much more!
116k subscribers
I'm an indie app developer based in Osaka, Japan. I'm currently living off of my own product called Inkdrop - a Markdown note-taking app (h…
Layout Land
73.2k subscribers
Learn what's now possible in graphic design on the web — layout, CSS Grid, and more. A series for web designers and developers, created by …
Nader Dabit
40.2k subscribers
I publish a combination of to-the-point tutorials, live coding demos, and interviews focusing on modern web development, Web3, DeFi, cloud …
353k subscribers
Tutorials on the latest tech in web development!
Jack Herrington
45.4k subscribers
Frontend videos from basic to very advanced; tutorials, technology deep dives. You'll love it!
Code Creative
16.0k subscribers
Karl Hadwen
36.8k subscribers
React, GraphQL, Node, JavaScript tutorials. 330+ free video programming tutorials (React, JavaScript, Node, GraphQL, PHP, Java, Sass, Grunt…
Chris Courses
89.0k subscribers
Professional full-stack developer teaching game dev with JavaScript. Sometimes I make films and animated videos. Join the community at: ht…
Fredrik Christenson
19.6k subscribers
I talk about programming and sometimes I even say something.
Martin Donald
24.9k subscribers
Technical Artist and Game Developer. I like to make games, tech demos and fun tutorials.
207k subscribers
GitHub is the developer company. We make it easier for developers to be developers: to work together, to solve challenging problems, and to…
272k subscribers
Algorithms, competitive programming, coding interviews. I make educational videos and coding live streams, always sharing my thought proces…
Nick White
232k subscribers
Nick White is a YouTuber who focuses on creating both entertaining and educational content. For business email - N…
Coding with John
119k subscribers
Hi, I'm John! I'm a Lead Java Software Engineer and I've been in the programming industry for more than a decade. I love sharing what I've …
60.7k subscribers
Vim, Go, Typescript, Rust, and Weeb Music
Code with Ania Kubów
230k subscribers
Hello everyone. My name is Ania Kubow and I am a Software Developer (ex-Eurostar) who quit the rat race to focus on my channel and teach …
309k subscribers
James Q Quick
126k subscribers
I publish weekly videos about Web Development! I am constantly learning the latest and greatest in Web Development and am excited to help …
Ben Awad
404k subscribers
I'm a software developer who makes videos about React, React Native, GraphQL, Typescript, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Python, and all things codin…
118k subscribers
Building collective intelligence
1.64M subscribers
Hey Aliens!!! I make free programming tutorials from beginner to advanced level That includes Java for beginner, Advanced Java, Python, And…
Freya Holmér
99.4k subscribers
I do videos on tech art, math, game dev, and whatever else I want to project to your screens channel art by yoss ❤…
Stylized Station
202k subscribers
I originally created Stylized Station as an avenue for artists to learn and evolve their stylized art skills. Now, with a fanbase of hundre…
Kevin Powell
476k subscribers
Helping you learn how to make the web, and make it look good while you're at it. With videos every Tuesday and Thursday, I'll be bringing …
Python Programmer
305k subscribers
Hi, I'm Giles McMullen-Klein. My degree was in physics. I've been using python as a scientist for years. I learnt to code whilst studying p…
Bro Code
352k subscribers
Coding bootcamps hate him! See how he can teach you to code with this one weird trick... This channel is dedicated to providing free educa…
Web Dev Simplified
846k subscribers
Web Dev Simplified is all about teaching web development skills and techniques in an efficient and practical manner. If you are just gettin…
Low Level Learning
10.7k subscribers
Welcome to Low Level Learning! Here, I put out video about embedded systems topics, such as assembly programming, microcontrollers, memory …
Michael Penn
206k subscribers
Math videos covering Calculus, Differential Equations, Number Theory and more
Traversy Media
1.79M subscribers
Traversy Media features the best online web development and programming tutorials for all of the latest web technologies from the building …
5.18M subscribers
Learn to code for free.
355k subscribers
Just evolved from professional software engineer into hobbyist coder. Livin’ the dream.
771k subscribers
Hi, I'm Toby, on my channel you can expect to see videos about physics, math, astronomy and the history of science. If you like my channe…
Loi Liang Yang
609k subscribers
Mr Loi Liang Yang is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Ethical Hacker and CompTIA Security+ cybersec…
Tech With Tim
919k subscribers
Learn programming, software engineering, machine learning and everything tech from this channel. With a special emphasis on python and java…
267k subscribers
Programming and Technology Tutorials from a different perspective. Everybody has the ability to write good, useful and fun code. No hate, n…
Two Star
200k subscribers
Hey, how's it going everyone! Welcome to my YouTube Channel! My name is Gavin Eisenbeisz, and I am an indie game developer. I started ma…
MIT OpenCourseWare
3.71M subscribers
Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or simply a curious person that wants to learn, MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) offers a wealth of insight an…
1.93M subscribers
Welcome to NetworkChuck! I LOVE Information Technology!! My goal is to help as MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE jump into a career in the IT field …
2.05M subscribers
PHLEARNing Photoshop will feel like you've got a friend right there walking you through it - and you do! You'll get the most of Aaron's 15+…
1.3M subscribers
Ex-Google / Meta tech lead, app entrepreneur, digital nomad traveler, software engineer. ☕️ 👌 Join me in DeFi Pro and make passive income …
2.1M subscribers
Videos all about computers and computer stuff. Sister channel of Numberphile.
3.32M subscribers
Hi, my name is Dagogo Altraide and I create and narrate all the videos on here. This channel aims to let you experience the cutting edge of…
Jeff Nippard
2.95M subscribers
Hello everyone! I'm a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a…
Physics Girl
2.19M subscribers
Physics Girl is a YouTube channel created by Dianna Cowern that adventures into the physical sciences with experiments, demonstrations, and…
The Futur
1.9M subscribers
Our mission is to teach 1 billion people how to make a living doing what they love. #1BminusOne Private art school without the debt. The Fu…
Joshua Fluke
497k subscribers
I make a variety of content. I'm always having these wild ideas.
Tom Scott
4.91M subscribers
Hi, I'm Tom Scott. These are some of the things I've made and done. They'll probably come back to haunt me in a few years' time. Contact m…
Marques Brownlee
15.3M subscribers
MKBHD: Quality Tech Videos | YouTuber | Geek | Consumer Electronics | Tech Head | Internet Personality! NYC
PBS Space Time
2.54M subscribers
Space Time explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think…
Code Bullet
2.68M subscribers
Just an idiot with a computer science degree trying his best.
17.6M subscribers
Our World is Amazing. Questions? Ideas? Tweet me: Vsauce was created by Michael Stevens in the summer …
10.3M subscribers
I explore the world using science. That's pretty much all there is to it. Watch 2 videos. If you learn something AWESOME, please subscrib…
CGP Grey
5.25M subscribers
8.85M subscribers
Breaking news on a weekly basis. Sundays at 11PM - only on HBO. Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight channel for the latest videos from John …
111M subscribers
I make videos.
The Film Theorists
10.5M subscribers
Hello Internet! I'm MatPat and welcome to FILM THEORY! Do you ever wonder what secrets could be hiding in your favorite movies and shows? S…
William Candillon
Videos and tutorials about React Native.
Recent Videos from
William Candillon
Glassmorphism in React Native
Documentation: Source code: Learn React Native Gestures and Animations at Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:17 Backdrop…
Unboxing Expo SDK 44
Introduction to EAS Update: Expo SDK 44 announcement: Source code of the examples: Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:33 Layout Animations 10:54 Composable …
The Matrix Reacts Learn React Native Gestures and Animations at Chapters: 0:00 Intro 2:05 Build random symbols 6:45 Build the streams 16:01 Credits