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About Epoch Philosophy
Continental philosophy and theory.
Recent Videos from Epoch Philosophy
Decay Into the Future: A 21st Century American Retrospective | Epoch Philosophy
A video and art project I have wanted to make for quite some time. Take what you want from it, but hopefully, it makes you feel. Whatever that feeling may be.
General content warnings throughout the video; war, violence, etc. especially at: 14:27 I tried to blur anything out that may be overly dis… Don't Look Up and The Result of Late Capitalism
In the 21st century, satire has become a medium that is among the most commodifiable. In the spirit of Zizek, *ideology* isn't of blind acceptance, but of mass cynical unacceptance. In spirit of this, Don't Look Up approaches its critique much smarter than most. It goes beyond the symptoms of late-… The Philosophy of Jesus - ft. @laborkyle
Jesus of Nazareth is arguably the most resolving, present character in western civilization's history. Yet, he is often relished as just that, a character. Away from immanent materiality. A very immanence seen within the Cynic school of thought in Ancient Greece. From here, we see Jesus as not a me…