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About suckerpinch
This is Tom 7's youtube!
Recent Videos from suckerpinch
Uppestcase and Lowestcase Letters [advances in derp learning]
I perform an exhaustive case analysis using advanced "derp learning" techniques to discover what's even upperercase than an uppercase A. AND I DON'T STOP THERE. For SIGBOVIK 2021.
Fonts, paper with details, etc.: 30 Weird Chess Algorithms: Elo World
An intricate and lengthy account of several different computer chess topics from my SIGBOVIK 2019 papers. We conduct a tournament of fools with a pile of different weird chess algorithms, ostensibly to quantify how well my other weird program to play color- and piece-blind chess performs. On the wa… NaN Gates and Flip FLOPS
A new kind of computer architecture that's more elegant than 1s and 0s, being based directly on Mathematics.
Note: Everything in here is real (IEEE-754), but the target is computer scientists and the troll level is set to ULTRA.
Source code and stuff (well, soon):