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About History Matters
History Matters is a history-focused channel which aims to help students studying for A levels, GCSEs and AP World/Euro History by providing short introductions to multiple topics. The episodes released are designed to act as both intros and as revision material for students or people who are simply interested in World History. Videos will also focus on the lesser-known parts of history too and dive deep into questions that many people ask but aren't often answered.
Recent Videos from History Matters
What Happened to all the German Kings when Germany Unified? (Short Animated Documentary)
Before there was a Germany there were lots of them and many of them were run by kings. But when Germany was unified under the leadership of the Prussian Monarchy, what happened to the rest of them? Did they stay or go? To find out watch this short and simple animated history documentary. Why didn't Greece get Constantinople after World War One? (Short Animated Documentary)
Greece (after Russia) really wanted to get its hands on Constantinople after World War One and the surrender of the Ottoman Empire. And given its history as a Greek city and the heart of the classical Greek world, why didn't Greece get the city? To find out watch this short and simple animated hist… Why is Ireland Divided? (Short Animated Documentary)
The island of Ireland is divided between the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom which controls the north. But given that the Irish fought a short and brutal war for independence, why didn't the north leave the UK with the rest of Ireland? To find out why Ireland is still divided watch this …