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Sir Warwick Harrow (Firefly)
Sir Warwick Harrow was a nobleman on Persephone who owned some "property" that he needed moved off-planet in violation of Union of Allied Planets regulations. He refused to deal with Badger - regarding him as a psychotic lowlife - who then sent Malcolm Reynolds to talk to him at a party that Harrow… Sergeant Hunter Riley (Stargate Universe SGU)
"You'd figure being stranded on this ship in the middle of nowhere would be the problem... but, that isn't it exactly. It's not so much being out here as it is... not being there - the birthdays, the weddings, the funerals. Simple things like taking your nephew to school on his first day or even ta… Lieutenant Womack (Firefly)
"You are an ugly-looking little quim, you know that? So you have to be asking yourself, ugly as you are, how repulsive-looking the guy that's gonna make you his little woman is gonna be. Hmm? I mean, prison is a lonely place. You sure as a hundred moons ain't gonna be pitching."
―Lt. Womack