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About Krinkels
Home of the Madness Combat series, created by me, Matt "krinkels" Jolly. Originally seen on Newgrounds:
Recent Videos from Krinkels
Madness Combat 9.5 part 1
First and foremost, I thank you for your patience, and attention.
Time and space are angular, jagged things. Hank, acting in their very nature, cuts like a knife through everything that moves out of tangent with them. Hank cuts and slashes their way through a sort of hell reserved for armies, show… An Experiment
Today we answer a question that is frequently asked, and deal with the answers, whatever they may be.
This will be the last of the short and quirky or plot device episodes for a bit. What comes next will have stacked the bodycount. Thank you for watching.
Sound design by the talented Cturix. Musi… P.S.A. - Piracy
This is a very important message.
Thank you to the Patreon Patriots that let me do this. There's more to come very soon.
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