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About BrentTV
I love making people happy.
Recent Videos from BrentTV
Jelly Fruit Challenge (Gone Wrong!)
It's time for me to try another TikTok Trend! Jelly Fruits, first started by @Jaden Sprinz (I pronounced his last name wrong in the video), started the Jelly Fruit trend. The challenge is you take what is called a "Jelly Fruit", a candy shaped like a fruit filled with jello, and bite into it. Belie… Trying To Find A MrBeast Bar Golden Ticket!
The quest continues on trying to find a MrBeast Bar Golden Ticket! Is it Golden? Or are we all assuming that it is? As promised, I'm giving away MrBeast Bars! All you have to do is like/comment on my latest Instagram post! I'll choose someone randomly next week!
Enter giveaway by going to my Inst… I Bought 100 MrBeast Bars! (I Actually Won!)
I'm sure by now you've heard about MrBeast's new chocolate company "Feastables", where he launched his own chocolate bars! There are 3 flavors, quinoa crunch, original, and almond! Now, there's something different about these chocolate bars compared to any other, there are 10 Golden Tickets....well…