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About Numberphile
Videos about numbers and mathematics. Videos by Brady Haran since 2011.
Recent Videos from Numberphile
The Tetrahedral Boat - Numberphile
Featuring Marcus du Sautoy discussing polyhedra and the art of Conrad Shawcross... More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓
Marcus du Sautoy website:
Marcus' books on Amazon:
More videos with Marcus:
Co… The Mathematics of Surviving Zombies - Numberphile
With Thomas Woolley... Check for Brilliant and get 20% off their premium service (episode sponsor)
More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓
Thomas Woolley at Cardiff University:
Thomas on Twitter… Plotting Pi and Searching for Mona Lisa - Numberphile
Matt Henderson lets his plotter loose on Pi. This plotting extravaganza follows on from this earlier video:
More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓
Matt Henderson on Twitter (he posts lovely animations there):
Matt Henderson Numbe…