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About Applied Science
Subscribe to see interesting applications of science and technology. You'll see how an electron microscope was built in a home shop, how an X-ray backscatter system works, how to make aerogel, and many other hi-tech projects. Topics usually include electromechanical systems, chemistry, and electronics. Hosted by Ben Krasnow.
Recent Videos from Applied Science
Olestra (zero calorie cooking oil) - chemical synthesis and taste test
I synthesized olestra from biodiesel, sugar, and soap with a sodium metal catalyst. I also describe some of the history of olestra's development.
Procedure that I used (Example 1)
Other resources:… X-ray timelapse of fluid movement in plants, stop-motion animation, sensor teardown/repair
I repaired a large digital x-ray detector and used it to record timelapse and stop-motion animations of plants, a clock, and a camera lens.
Applied Science X-ray backscatter imaging system:
Applied Science CT scanner:… Underwater laser cutting and silver sintering to make ceramic circuit boards
Thermal stress cracking can be completely avoided by CO2 laser cutting thin alumina sheets underwater. I also show how to formulate and apply silver paste, then sinter in a kiln to produce double-sided ceramic printed circuit boards with conductive vias.
60W CW CO2 laser at 80% power. 10mm/sec. …