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About Safiya Nygaard
Double, double toil and trouble!
Team Saf: Safiya Nygaard Tyler Williams Nez Covington Carly Dawson Allie Bennett Madi Price Jordan Schneier Dayana Espinoza Hannah Bruce Rachel Faulkner
Recent Videos from Safiya Nygaard
I Tried A Custom Lipstick Printer
HELLO FRIENDS!! So, a couple of years ago I saw this custom lipstick printer in a video about the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas, and ever since, I have been desperate to get my hand so it! And now, after a few years, a few waiting lists, and a couple restocks, I have it. So today, we're going … Melting Thrift Store Jewelry Into New Jewelry
HELLO FRIENDS!! So, this week we're taking on something a bit different -- jewelry casting! As something of a melting fiend, YouTube has recommended me a few different videos about metal casting over the past few months -- and I found myself with a big NEED for FLAME. So, we picked up a bunch of je… I Ran A Boba Tea Shop For A Day
HELLO FRIENDS!! A portion of this video was premiered during the Streamys, so thank you so much to the Streamys for featuring us! You can check out the show here:
Here is a bit of a different kind of video, the start of a new series (I hope) - where we t…