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About Andrej Karpathy
My motivation for creating this channel:
FAQ Q: How can I pay you? Do you have a Patreon or etc? A: As YouTube partner I do share in a small amount of the ad revenue on the videos, but I don't maintain any other extra payment channels. I would prefer that people "pay me back" by using the knowledge to build something great.
Recent Videos from Andrej Karpathy
Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out.
We build a Generatively Pretrained Transformer (GPT), following the paper "Attention is All You Need" and OpenAI's GPT-2 / GPT-3. We talk about connections to ChatGPT, which has taken the world by storm. We watch GitHub Copilot, itself a GPT, help us write a GPT (meta :D!) . I recommend people watc… Building makemore Part 5: Building a WaveNet
We take the 2-layer MLP from previous video and make it deeper with a tree-like structure, arriving at a convolutional neural network architecture similar to the WaveNet (2016) from DeepMind. In the WaveNet paper, the same hierarchical architecture is implemented more efficiently using causal dilat… Building makemore Part 4: Becoming a Backprop Ninja
We take the 2-layer MLP (with BatchNorm) from the previous video and backpropagate through it manually without using PyTorch autograd's loss.backward(): through the cross entropy loss, 2nd linear layer, tanh, batchnorm, 1st linear layer, and the embedding table. Along the way, we get a strong intui…