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About t3ssel8r
weekend game dev
Recent Videos from t3ssel8r
Giving Personality to Procedural Animations using Math
It's been a while since the last video hasn't it? I've made quite a bit of progress since the last update, and since one of the things I worked on was some procedurally animated characters, I decided to make a video about the subject. In particular, this video highlights the entire process from ini… Designing a Better Aim Assist for 2D Games
Now that the visual design and graphics pipeline are in a stable-ish state, I've been (slowly) working on gameplay design and tuning. One of the first things that I ran into was the problem of building a player-transparent aim assist that helps the player aim with an analog controller without wrest… Making an Animation for my 3D Pixel Art Game
One of the benefits to making my pixel art game in a 3D game engine is the ability to very quickly build and iterate on animation assets. Among other things, it allows the player model and weapon models to be swapped very easily.
Animating convincingly in this style is a little different from typi…