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About B. Dylan Hollis
I'm B. Dylan Hollis, Bermudian TikToker & midcentury connoisseur. Let's explore the more questionable side of vintage cookery together :)
From the Great Depression comes this most lovely, simple, and tasty idea. Let's bake some old recipes, then I'll give you my own take on this bread. RECIPES BELOW:
•• 1932 Great Depression Recipe ••
- 2 Cups all purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 4 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 Cup Sugar
- 1 & 1/3 Cup milk… Dylan Hollis - PEANUT BUTTER BREAD | 1932
A simple & lovely hidden gem from the Depression.
#Shorts Dylan Hollis - PEANUT BUTTER PIE | 1953
Does peanut butter belong in a gelatin chiffon? Perhaps.
My TikTok: @bdylanhollis
Insta: @bdylanhollis