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About Brothgar
Simple problems require complex solutions. Over engineering videos games since 2014.
My Other Channels: Watch It Print Digital Downshift
Recent Videos from Brothgar
Update - New Job
In short, I put things on pause as I was interviewing for a new job. Last week I started my new job and plan to get back to YouTube once I'm settled in. Thanks and I'll see you soon..ish. BRUTAL VS Big Brain - The Riftbreaker Campaign EP 8
The Riftbreaker is a base-building, survival game with Action-RPG elements. You are an elite scientist/commando inside an advanced Mecha-Suit capable of dimensional rift travel. Hack & slash countless enemies. Build up your base, collect samples and research new inventions to survive.
Subscribe: h… BRUTAL VS Big Brain - The Riftbreaker Campaign EP 7
The Riftbreaker is a base-building, survival game with Action-RPG elements. You are an elite scientist/commando inside an advanced Mecha-Suit capable of dimensional rift travel. Hack & slash countless enemies. Build up your base, collect samples and research new inventions to survive.
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