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Kelly Marie
2.02k subscribers
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Kelly Marie
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1.28k subscribers
Just watch the videos.
80 subscribers
Politics, Philosophy and everything else about the current world. Looking back at our history and dissecting it and analysing it while also…
Jett Cloud
3.61k subscribers
Regularly discussing left-wing politics, US news, and contributing towards the growing American left.
1.04k subscribers
I am a social commentator who dives into politics, news, and rant about various topics to get you riled up! I am a gamer I am an otaku I am…
Pill Pod Philosophy & Critical Theory Podcast
5.04k subscribers
The Pill Pod is hosted by a group of PhDs offering their irreverent (and unsolicited) takes on critical theory, philosophy, culture, and po…
Ray Ramses
4.83k subscribers
I talk about our current late stage capitalism as a leftist from the global south. Contact me through twitter:…
theory pleeb
5.24k subscribers
Working class intellectual. Author of Waypoint. Deplorable. "Theory pleeb" fell in love with philosophy and theory because it helps make se…
Caleb Maupin
23.4k subscribers
Caleb Maupin - Journalist and Political Analyst
Nowhere Grotesk
8.0k subscribers
We're two visual artists creating and examining art through a utopian leftist lens.
12.3k subscribers
Marxist Trans Girl. She/Her. Making Video Essays and hot takes. Channel Banner Rebrand Coming Soon maybe. Who knows.
PZ Myers
9.38k subscribers
The Blog: The Patreon: The Twitter: The I…
Marina Dove
4.89k subscribers
Howdy y'all, I'm marina (they/them) and I make video essays discussing topics in Law, History, Anthropology, and Pop Culture with a Marxis…
32.8k subscribers
RE-EDUCATION Is a video series about Anarcho-Communism, Anti Capitalism, and Praxis
115k subscribers
All Black History Matters Contact me at or @_AfroMarxist on Twitter
Art of Paya
2.6k subscribers
My name is Paya. I am a black autistic artist, and I make video essays about the intersection between race, gender, mental illness, and neu…
Claudia Boleyn
44.0k subscribers
My name is Claudia Boleyn. (I'm not related to Anne as far as I know, although I do come from Kent where her childhood home is situated). I…
11.7k subscribers
Anark is a channel which aims to explore the philosophical foundations of leftist ideas, especially those of the anarchist and libertarian-…
The Double Take
21.0k subscribers
A channel that looks at things from a left-leaning, but fair perspective. Critiques not just right-wing reactionaries, but the psychology t…
Tese Onze
408k subscribers
O Tese Onze é um canal focado em apresentar contrapontos ao senso comum, trazer análises sobre sociologia e política, e acumular bagagem pr…
Zoe Baker
62.2k subscribers
I'm a trans woman (she/her), who talks about the theory and history of anarchism, feminism and marxism. I have a PhD in the history of anar…
10.5k subscribers
Together, we will win! Send positive leftist news stories to
57.5k subscribers
Hi there, I'm Blue. I like spooky, mindblowy stuff.
The Liberal Cook
11.0k subscribers
Formerly the Liberal Cook. Created by Neil and Sarah.
Cheyenne Lin
101k subscribers
I'm Cheyenne (she/her) and I make video essays on the intersection of pop culture and politics. Come and stay a while ^^
Status Coup News
127k subscribers
Status Coup News is an independent news network that covers and reports ON-THE-GROUND across the country on the important stories and commu…
Foreign Man in a Foreign Land
35.3k subscribers
Saving Caribbean Culture with Commentary Thursdays @ 9AM EST Business Inquiries:
Aspergers from the Inside
160k subscribers
Hello and welcome to Aspergers From The Inside!! My name is Paul and I discovered I have Aspergers at age 30. Yes, I know, I don't look aut…
Beau of the Fifth Column
670k subscribers
The discussions of a southern journalist who is tired of a lack of common sense.
Adam Conover
66.3k subscribers
I am the creator and host of Adam Ruins Everything on TruTV! This is where I post my videogame and standup comedy videos. Hope you enjoy!
Innuendo Studios
386k subscribers
I make video essays about games, web culture, and social politics.
How to ADHD
1.08M subscribers
Have ADHD? Know someone with ADHD? Want to learn more? You're in the right place! Most weeks I post a new video with tips, tricks and insi…
The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder
1.17M subscribers
The Majority Report is a daily political talk show at, live at 12PM ET. Call the show after 12:30PM ET at 646-257-3920. Availab…
PBS Idea Channel
772k subscribers
Here's an idea: a PBS show that examines the connections between pop culture, technology and art. Mike Rugnetta posts new videos every W…
Philosophy Tube
1.1M subscribers
I'm giving away a philosophy degree for free! Subscribe to learn and boost your brain power!
Not Just Bikes
528k subscribers
Stories of great urban planning and urban experiences from the Netherlands and beyond. There are a lot of reasons why Dutch cities are so g…
Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan
1.59M subscribers
Not Fake News. More content on Directed, produced, filmed, edited, and created by Andrew Callaghan, N…
CGP Grey
5.25M subscribers
3.58M subscribers
Cinemassacre creates reviews and comedy shows about video games and movies, including: the Angry Video Game Nerd, Monster Madness, You Know…
8.85M subscribers
Breaking news on a weekly basis. Sundays at 11PM - only on HBO. Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight channel for the latest videos from John …
Sam O'Nella Academy
3.42M subscribers
17.6M subscribers
Our World is Amazing. Questions? Ideas? Tweet me: Vsauce was created by Michael Stevens in the summer …
Kelly Marie
I'm a Faggette
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Kelly Marie