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Welcome to GG WoW : The official World of Warcraft channel for Golden Guardians!
Recent Videos from GG WoW
9.2 Mythic + Tier List Encrypted Season for DPS Tanks + Healers specs | Tettles & Dratnos ft. Dorki
It's tier list season and we're NO exception: Wowhead have published their tier list for and the gang get into the reasoning behind why some specs might do better than others!
Follow us on Twitter: 💛 9.2 Tier List Sepulcher for DPS Tanks + Healers specs (and WHY) | Tettles & Dratnos w/ Wowhead
Raid is upon us! Maybe a quick overview of where it looks specs might land in the next tier might sway your decision on what to main! Tettles and Dratnos work through every single spec to try and give some good honest advice for Wowhead!
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00:… Titanforge Podcast 125 - Zereth Mortis & The First 8 Bosses with Theun
Here's the link for Tales of the Exile for Dratnos' tip of the week:
Follow along with Theun and the other BDGG raiders here:
If you want to watch some PTR footage of the first 8 bosses, check out…