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About Taliesin & Evitel TV
Tasty Stream highlights yummy bites, just about daily
Recent Videos from Taliesin & Evitel TV
How We Feel About Asmon Now... People Change
Tali and Asmon famously had a bit of a falling out a couple of years ago, and it's something Tali is often asked about on stream, as well as his thoughts on Asmon these days. Here's a bit from a conversation on the topic including the all the drama.
► Taliesin & Evitel Website: https://www.Taliesi… How I Became #1 Ranked Disc Priest in Sepulcher...
My name is Taliesin and I am the #1 Ranked Discipline Priest in the world for the Jailer fight in Sepulcher of the First Ones in World of Warcraft Shadowlands*
Find out how I did it
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… Elon Musk's Terrible Elden Ring Build
Elon Musk is very rich. But he isn't very good at Elden Ring. Taliesin rates his Moonviel build, and compares it to his own melee Strength build
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