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About Gobelins
Chaîne YouTube de GOBELINS, l'école de l'image.
Recent Videos from Gobelins
Journées Portes Ouvertes les 11 et 12 février - Laisse toi tenter par GOBELINS !
GOBELINS, l'école de l'image invite les jeunes, les parents et les professionnels, à découvrir ses formations en design graphique/motion design, photographie, communication imprimée et plurimédia, cinéma d’animation, jeu vidéo, design interactif, vidéo et son, mais aussi la PREPA, lors de deux jour… "My Necklace For Life" - Motion design for "THE UNDEFEATED"
"The Undefeated" is an original series of 15 animated shorts created by GOBELINS' motion designer students for the Franco-Indian association TARA. All films were directed by Dorothée Adam.
The movies are inspired by true stories and events experienced by the children of TARA in South Delhi. They ai… "My Hand Like A Bird" - Motion design for "THE UNDEFEATED"
"The Undefeated" is an original series of 15 animated shorts created by GOBELINS' motion designer students for the Franco-Indian association TARA. All films were directed by Dorothée Adam.
The movies are inspired by true stories and events experienced by the children of TARA in South Delhi. They ai…