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About John Schneider
Todieformovie.Com Watch it right now! Fast. Family. Freedom. Fast. Horsepower. Quick. And faster. And, oh yeah… Dukes of Hazzard, Smallville, The Haves and Have Nots. And music. And movies. The Rebel flag stands against oppression not any pigment of people. Hang out here to enjoy speed, honor, community and storytelling of all kinds. If you are for Socialism and the present administration… you probably won’t like it here…. And I’m okay with that. Check out my movies at
Recent Videos from John Schneider
The audacity of it all.
We had a man tell is he’s “putting America first” while buying oil from Russia (and fundamentally backing the war on Ukraine in so doing) and our steel from China (fundamentally supporting slavery and all kinds of inhuman activities daily). When are we going to stop letting these people “piss on ou… Off the beaten path @John Schneider  Bunker Hill, KS
Too much time on the interstate will give you a very unrealistic picture of what our beautiful country looks like. If you don’t have time to take a look for yourself then come along with us and we will show it to you! Forgotten Nashville
Taking you on the “Elvis Elevator” at a forgotten jewel on Music Row.