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Alexanderr for SALE
Alexanderr, our posh boy, is for sale.
For all information, follow this link:
Bid will start at $800 Orange B!tch
Youtube told me I'd lose my monetization if I didn't upload a video. That's a whole $7 bi-annual I'd be losing.....oh, and I remade Lamarr.
Song: bbno$ - nursery prod. lentra Zander (Lamarr) Refurbish
Back in October '19, I gave this dude a nice top up before shipping him off to his new owner. Thought it would be fun to do a quick little video of the process.
This specific suit is no longer Lamarr, but is now Zander. So if you see this dude around, it's not me!
A new Lamarr (2.0) is underway (…