About Rarran
Hey everybody! I am Rarran, been playing hearthstone since closed beta, and am a High Legend Hearthstone Standard Player
My Channel is centered around bringing Hearthstone Guides in the Standard Hearthstone Meta. I play every class, such as warrior, demon hunter, mage, rogue, paladin, druid, warlock, shaman, priest, and Hunter. Currently my fav decks to play are Highlander Mage, Tempo Demon Hunter, and Control Warrior, all of these decks have gotten me High Legend in Standard Hearthstone. I try to help new players learn hearthstone as much as I can. I go through what is the correct plays, plays the best standard Hearthstone decks and even try do a great mulligan strategy to help new players learn decks.
I upload 3 hearthstone guides or hearthstone tips and tricks a day at minimum to provide the most helpful hearthstone content.
The best decks to get you legend in Standard Hearthstone are tempo demon hunter, highlander hunter, egg warrior!