About ExcelIsFun
Over 3,300 Excel How To Videos from Beginner to Advanced, including downloadable Excel files to practice and pdf notes to summarize concepts - all free at YouTube!!. With the new YouTube Learning Playlists, it makes even easier to learn here at the excelisfun channel with free class such as: Excel Basics, Advanced Excel, Data Analysis Playlists and much more! Mike "excelisfun channel" Girvin is a business instructor at Highline Community College since 2002 and a Microsoft Excel MVP since 2013. He has created over 3,300 Free Excel How To Videos and over 100 playlist of videos. excelisfun has also authored two Excel books and three DVDs. Hopefully these videos will help you to become better with Excel so you can save time at work, help coworkers become better at Excel and save so much time that you can take an extra vacation! Go Online Excel Team! P.S. if you want to Donate, use paypal link below : )