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About Dutch The Hooligan
This channel is dedicated to producing the highest quality Airsoft Gameplay videos.
Recent Videos from Dutch The Hooligan
DESTROYING Airsoft Players with $20 NERF Toys (Hilariously Effective)
Nerf vs Airsoft on a budget! The most fun I've EVER had in my life. I Bought a $20 nerf from walmart, and another secret tiny toy to demolish airsoft players. The ref gave me a nerf melee bat too, so I went full Juggernaut! FIRST TO CORRECTLY GUESS MY TOTAL AIRSOFT AND NERF ELIMINATION COUNT GETS P… I Absolutely DEMOLISHED These Airsoft Cheaters (Satisfying Headshots)
Airsoft Cheater tries to hide from me, but the dent in his head and the clear footage exposed him. The other took a bb right to the kisser. Ridiculous Airsoft Cheater Has a PET MEDIC Too!
Airsoft Cheater blatantly ignores hits and gets caught.
Catch up on my USA Airsoft Tour HERE: