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About The Dadvocate
Equal shared parenting. Healthier relationships. 1.3M on TikTok.
Womansplaining. Exposing partner shamers. Men matter.
Recent Videos from The Dadvocate
She Falsely Accused Him to Promote her OnlyFans
I'm a pretty open-minded person when it comes to adults doing whatever freaky stuff they want to do, as long as it's not hurting anyone... heavy on the AS LONG AS IT'S NOT HURTING ANYONE.
For a while now I've been making note of the concerning trend that certain "adult models" are using to drive t… Toxic Custody Exchanges
None Womansplaining Men to Women Compilation: 91-101
How are "hot girls" getting ghosted by "ugly guys"?
Why are some women getting better results from their men?
And what does your man's favorite bird say about him?
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