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About The Salt Factory
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Schedule looks something like this: Monday, Tuesday, Friday Starting around 2-4PM EST Ending around 6-8:30PM EST
Recent Videos from The Salt Factory
Evaluating The Outer Worlds - Obsidian's Aggressively Average Adventure
Check out Micro Center if you're interested in a free 240GB SSD- | Or if you want to chat with other tech enthusiasts, feel free to stop by their forums-
Join me as I drudge through what everyone hoped was another New Vegas, but was actually … Was Fallout as good as I remember? - A look at the series' beginning
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Join me as I trek through the roots of everyone's favorite post-apocalyptic series.
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The audio a… Was Mass Effect 2 as good as I remember? - An analysis of BioWare's companion collection simulator
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Join me as I take a look at arguably the last really good BioWare game.
The audio and drawings for this one were done by my talented…