YouTube Channel Recommendations for people who like MrPopZit aka Greg Lynch Derm PA (Click a channel's button below to go to their page on Channel Galaxy and find more new YouTube suggestions)
About MrPopZit aka Greg Lynch Derm PA
Dermatology PA-C specializing in Clinical and Cosmetic Dermatology in the Corona,CA and Riverside, CA areas. Will be sharing full length procedure videos to educate the public and patients on Dermatology/Cosmetic techniques and tips!
Recent Videos from MrPopZit aka Greg Lynch Derm PA
The inconvenient face bump. Large packed in, firm, tender bump on face removed. Amazing 2 week F/U.
Click the link above to help keep my channel free. No purchase necessary, even clicks help! These are the gloves I wear daily for procedures. Other gloves can be thin and I commonly get shocked by the electric hyfrecator arcing through the glove. These gloves are just thick… Firm tender nodule behind the ear drained. Creamy contents expressed, sac removed.
Help keep my channel free by clicking on the link. No purchase necessary to help. People ask me everyday what they can do for their scars. If you have had a recent procedure, or trauma, these silicone strips increase moisture and warmth to the area that is healing increasin… Close up nose blackheads.
This is a return patient who was stable for the last year but his retinoid was irritating him so he stopped using it correctly and his oil production ramped up and refilled his pores. This is why I recommend regular follow ups to adjust dosage as needed because hormones change and shift and so does…