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James Freeman Livestreams
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I'm the Chief Investigative Reporter with Queen City News, Charlotte's FOX affiliate. The reports you'll see here are long form investigati…
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1st Amendment Auditor in Northern Virginia and Constitutional Rights Advocate. To Donate to the Ten Point Program, and help fight inequali…
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TXSHEEPDOG72 is an independent journalist based in Texas. TSD72 is devoted to protecting and advancing civil liberties and civil rights in …
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2nd Amendment Advocate and Kayak fisherman. I promote Gun Rights here in Florida and my fishing travels around Florida. Catching snook, mah…
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Cops get filmed in real life. Unscripted police interactions filmed by real people who know their rights. First amendment is the law. Film …
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Civil Rights Investigator, First Amendment Auditor, Second Amendment Auditor. ID Refusal, Cop Owner, Walk of shame. Stay cool, Be polite, …
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James Freeman
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Merch! Send videos you'd like me to review to Channel I live Stream o…
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Investigative journalism regarding political matters, police misconduct issues, police reform, prison system/rehabilitation issues, recidiv…
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Your friendly neighborhood troll. Merch: Http:// PayPal: Http:// Cash App: $Profession…
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Breaking news on a weekly basis. Sundays at 11PM - only on HBO. Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight channel for the latest videos from John …
James Freeman Livestreams
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