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About Parth G
I'm Parth and I make fun physics videos!
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The Quantum Effect Stopping the Collapse of Stars (White Dwarf, Neutron Star) | Parth G Physics
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#degeneracypressure #quantum #neutronstar
In this video, we'll be looking at degeneracy pressure - a quantum mechanical eff… There are TWO Types of Electric Field! #shorts
The second type is called the Electric Displacement Field #shorts
An electric field (often called the E-field) represents how charged objects interact with each other. Specifically, a charged object generates an E-field, and this shows what happens to a positive charge when placed near the source … These Particles DO NOT EXIST... So Why Do Physicists Believe in Them?
The answer: these "Quasiparticles" make physics much easier to study!
In this video we'll be studying 3 quasiparticles (sometimes known as collective excitations). They don't actually exist, in that they are not fundamental particles themselves, but can be thought of as mathematical simplification…