YouTube Channel Recommendations for people who like 約書亞樂團 Joshua Band (Click a channel's button below to go to their page on Channel Galaxy and find more new YouTube suggestions)
【無盡的愛 / Endless Love】(Acoustic Live) Music Video - 約書亞樂團 ft.魏如昀 Queen Wei
#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #歡迎奉獻支持
詞/曲 Written by 張家綺 Angela Chang、劉淑莉 Lily Liu、鄭淯心 Amy Cheng、洪以琳 Elim Hung、吳宇婕 Christine Wu
演唱者/魏如昀 Queen Wei
[Verse 1]
聽見祢 溫柔聲音
Hear Your voice, so gently speak
挪去我 所有恐懼
Banishing all fear in me
黑暗中 祢呼喚我走向祢
In the dark, calling me to come to You
Open my heart
[Verse 2]… 【現場敬拜】 Live Worship | 祢愛找到我 / 在祢愛裡 / 成為兒女 / 如祢