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About それからの憂鬱 Sorekara Melancholy
Just another Japanese man who loves books, travel and cameras, and is not very good at English. Call me Ryo : ) 日々の退屈な生活を綴っています。
Recent Videos from それからの憂鬱 Sorekara Melancholy
I went from the busiest station to the least used station in Tokyo | Japan Vlog
Shinjuku Station is the busiest station in Tokyo (and Japan), with over 2 million passengers a day. From such Shinjuku, I went to Shiroumaru Station, which is said to have the fewest passengers in Tokyo.
As it was a weekend morning, there were not many people at and around Shinjuku Station, so the… Japanese man's first love in middle school | How we met, and how it ended
I was going to shoot a Vlog like hanging out by myself as usual, but as soon as I started shooting, somehow I suddenly remembered about my first love and couldn't get it out of my mind. So this time let me talk about it. The taste is completely different from my usual videos, and I don't know who t… Having lunch at the highest restaurant in Japan | Vlog
I had lunch at 634(Musashi), a French restaurant in the Sky Tree in Tokyo, which is the tallest restaurant in Japan (except for those on top of mountains, etc). Named after the height of the Sky Tree (634m), but the floor where the restaurant is located is 345m high. Of course, the view is still am…