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About Josh Pillault
Hello world and faithful subscribers. I cannot possibly describe how wonderful it is to be back ONCE AGAIN!!! My name is Josh Pillault and I served 5 years in Federal Prison for a crime I was never going to commit...I was charged with "transmitting threats to destroy buildings by means of fire and explosives and to kill and injure the person of another" for trolling a guy on RuneScape... then subsequently failed drug tests for alcohol and marijuana and was sentenced to another YEAR for which I was released on 7-12-19. My Instagram and Twitter are @JoshPillault but I almost certainly will post nothing meaningful until January! Thank you for all the beautiful support and lots of content coming soon. Please follow me or my wife Karriss on IG (@KarrissMorgann) and stay tuned for a life vlog style channel on adjusting to 2020. Love you all!
RSN: The RS Felon / Dead Felon CC: Tan Tan OSRS YT Channel: The RS Felon
Thank you!!
Recent Videos from Josh Pillault
RMTS Ep:69| Nice!, Bad Choices and Eminem Hall Of Fame?
Hey there dudes! I know I haven't had my own video in a little while now but I have a few in the works and content coming soon; in the meantime, here is a belated episode of RMTS - an episode with no guest, but more than our fair share of speculation, assumptions, and shit talking, of course. Hope … monday funday guitar and haircut
yes i got my haircut finally and it feels amazing
yes im playing guitar like i do every monday
lets get it
here is cool stuff RMTS W / Josh's Prison Drummer, Garfield: Pearls, Progress, and Playing in Prison
#tonormic #bestbudgetmicrophone #TONOR #TC40
Sup dudes! This week I'm thrilled to bring you a VERY special guest, a very close friend of mine that I served years of time with and who played drums for us in our prison band! Tonight we discuss memories of crazier times and the future of incarceratio…