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Recent Videos from Reno King
Joanna's 4 Room HDB Resale Makeover | Singapore Home Tour
IS JO MARRIED???? No la... this is her parents' house — also her childhood home! The shape of it is rather odd with a narrow width but Angelyn & Emily from ReztnRelax managed to make the best out of it! What do you think? The house is just as pretty as the person living in it hor? ;D
Promo Codes h… Is This Singapore's TECH HEAVEN?? | Aftershock Showroom
Our first HOUSE IT GOIN' episode on this channel! We had a great time at Aftershock's new showroom building our own custom PCs and keyboards at MASH! Are you planning to purchase a new PC soon? Share with us your dream PC setup! Who knows we might have a giveaway in future? 😉
Aftershock PC
994 Ben… The TRUTH BEHIND A Home Renovation | Singapore 4 Room HDB Resale
HELLO, ISABELLE HERE! This is our very first vlog on the whole process of how my renovation took place! It really isn't possible to make all of this happen without Ryan’s help (You can hear him cheering on the side) and also from all of our sponsors that made my dream home!
Also, do let us know i…