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About Jupiter_Hadley
This channel is mainly on game jams and small indie gems.
Recent Videos from Jupiter_Hadley
Jupi Plays Indie Games: ALL THE GAMES [Mini Jam 107: Music²] [Part 9]
Basically I wanted to attempt to play all of the games that were entered in the Mini Jam 107, so I did. This game jam challenged developers to make a game with the theme of Music.
00:30 - Mini Gravity - https://… Jupi Plays Indie Games: ALL THE GAMES [Mini Jam 107: Music²] [Part 8]
Basically I wanted to attempt to play all of the games that were entered in the Mini Jam 107, so I did. This game jam challenged developers to make a game with the theme of Music.
00:30 - Song Bearer - https://h… Jupi Plays Indie Games: ALL THE GAMES [Mini Jam 107: Music²] [Part 7]
Basically I wanted to attempt to play all of the games that were entered in the Mini Jam 107, so I did. This game jam challenged developers to make a game with the theme of Music.
00:30 - Beat in the Box - https…