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About Allegra - stopitsgingertime
this is the place where i do stuff
Recent Videos from Allegra - stopitsgingertime
The Art of Getting Run Through (Our Flag Means Death - Original Song)
ha ha ha i'm not emotionally damaged or anything
There comes a point in your life
When everything seems dull and dry
The open horizon doesn’t beckon like it once did
Cause something’s not right
And no matter how hard you try
You have everything you want, but nothing seems to fit
And t… Relics (Original Song - The Terror / Franklin Expedition)
this song is mostly about the relics of the FE & the historical story of harry goodsir, with a few nods to the show. at this point am i just writing a concept album? WHOOPS
The relics have been photographed from every angle
The testimony has been taken down
But still we make our way int… Her Spectral Lament (Sea Shanty - Franklin Expedition)
Inspired in equal parts by AMC's The Terror, Shane McCorristine's book "The Spectral Arctic," and traditional sea shanties of the 19th century, this original song incorporates elements of the Franklin Expedition mythos with Victorian trends of spiritualism/clairvoyance/mesmerism, as well as the rol…