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About Ronan Chris Murphy
Ronan Chris Murphy shares recording tips, tricks and behind the scenes content and occasionally his various travel adventures.
For more content and live workshops go to
Recent Videos from Ronan Chris Murphy
Can you record outdoors in a city and get usable tracks? Check out these Bajo Quinto raw tracks.
Listen to the raw tracks from a recording I did outdoors with a Shure SM7B and an Apogee Duet 2 The dumbest recording advice on the internet... and why you should ignore it.
There is one piece of ridiculous recording advice one the internet that seems to keep coming up. I explain why is it so stupid! Sign the petition to have apple treat Spatial Audio remixes as distinct works.
Sign the Petition here
Spatial Audio is a cool new technology, but do not let Apple disrespect artists, producers and fans by treating the new remixes as interchangeable with the originals releases.