YouTube Channel Recommendations for people who like Andri Søren (Click a channel's button below to go to their page on Channel Galaxy and find more new YouTube suggestions)
#ableton #abletonlive11 #treetones
Tree Tone is a new instrument and effect found in Live 11 Suite, designed by Dillon Bastan in collaboration with Ableton. I've linked to it further down in the text. In the YouTube subtitles I've put some performance notes.
Short explanation: Here I use 8 diffe… First Light: Incredibly Expressive Classical sounds for Live 11
#ableton #abletonlive11 #spitfireaudio
Ableton Live 11 has new string and brass sounds (and an upright piano) designed by Spitfire Audio, as separate packs (to purchase) or free with Live Suite. Spitfire asked me to take a look at these sounds and sponsored a short video for their channels, linke… Bass Line: Live 11 x Push 2 + [Free Rack]
#ableton #push2 #abletonlive11
Ableton Live 11 brings probability to notes, meaning we can set the likelihood of them playing or not, bringing some welcome extra variety to Live. In this video I take 4 notes and give them varying chances of playing, and let them play in a one-bar loop. I add som…