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About Orange Man Audits
I animate stuff I find funny.
Recent Videos from Orange Man Audits
'Thumper the T-Rex' Doesn't Like The Thin Blue Line Of Tyranny - 1A Orange Man Audits Edits - #ACAB
lol, "thumper". Get it?
-Orange Man
I've got a kid on the way! So I retired from auditing. I'm sorry, but I honestly think my sarcasm is just going to get me hurt, again. There's a lot of stupid people on this island, and they don't seem to like being laughed at.
=… SHARK ATTACK! - Michigan Constitutional Crusader & FRICN Media - Livonia City Hall [Funny 1A Audit]
1. These two gentleman are a perfect example of why I say humor can play a major role in recruiting more people to the cause. A lot of 1a viewers like conflict, aggression and 'hands-on' when it comes to auditing videos, but me personally I want to know people are learning while seeing that the aud… BEST ID Refusals & Confrontations / Dumb Cops & Karens - 1A 1st Amendment Audit - Idiot Police Fails
Let's take another peek at a few amazing auditors, and their skills on how to handle law enforcement with listening and/or learning issues. I think we could all use occasional refresher courses on how to avoid having our rights violated. I would love to hear your thoughts on what the auditors did g…