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About Can't Even
I speedrun Portal and Portal 2. I'm also pretty good at it.
Recent Videos from Can't Even
Rhythm X Final Rehearsal Run - Marimba Side Cam
Mackenzie Click Cam - Rhythm X 2023 “The Unspoken”
For those of you wondering where I’ve been the past 6 months, this is what I’ve been doing.
Cavaliers cams coming soon! Portal any% Former World Record in 5:53
New WR by SarahSpeedrun:
Watch runs like these LIVE over at (and follow and subscribe :])
This run proves that a 5:48 is possible. I somehow got this time at the end of a session that was not going well, which is why I was a little visib… Portal 2 Speedrun - 57:27
Watch runs like these LIVE at (seriously if you want to see more of this, go over there and follow or subscribe)
Despite being my "warmup" run, this was a decent (but not amazing) PB, the first of many until my inevitable 56:38 later this season.
0:00 Prac…